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    jimsonweed posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    very much depressed atm….. really need some help. But cant even articulate the words to describe whats bothering me cause loneliness doesn’t even begin to describe it….I guess I am just heartbroken and afraid that my worst fear truly is my fate. I patiently have been waiting so long and taking everyone’s advice to just let it happen but the bottom line is some people aren’t meant to have anyone and I truly think I am the prime example of this notion. I know I sound like I am just complaining but I can’t keep it bottled up anymore…..I am cutting., biurning myself at a rate I never have before and I’m scared of what may happen in the future. My cried for help fall on def ears it seems and hollow promises and weak attempts to passively support me fall by the wayside. I need someone to actually care and take an interest in me cause I’m beyond the point of feeling invisible, I fall and broken my heart so many times, I doubt it can be put back together again

    Mood : Lonely
    • I feel like that a lot. So don’t feel alone.

    • Please don’t feel lonely or alone @indeliblejimson, you will find true happiness Jimson, you deserve to have a strong and loving bond with another person, everyone does, don’t harm yourself, try to focus on the things that make you smile and that make you feel content, things will work out for you, a wonderful relationship will happen to you, try your best to stay positive and be upbeat, you deserve to feel on top of the world, amazing things will happen to you, you are a survivor who never gives up, you can do this, you will beat all your struggles, always believe in yourself and keep going, there is always hope and there is always light at the end of the tunnel, feel free to message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)

    • Hey, when I was depressed I felt like this all the time, especially the lonliness because I’m an aromantic asexual. If you need to talk I’m here :)

    • I feel that way all the time. Please don’t give up and remember time heals most pain. I’m here if you want to talk.