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    ☯✮ Oliver Smith ✮☯ posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    Back for my casual updating. My fiance went off to schooling and it’s been doing nothing more than breaking me down day by day. I got a new pet bunny and she’s not helping much with my issues. Been crying and throwing up and giving up on life….so depression is pretty deep right now.

    • Please don’t let sadness get you down @xxbaybayxx, I’m sure you will see your fiancé again, please try to be positive and smile, focus on all the good things in your life, you are an amazing individual who deserves nothing but the best in life, things will be OK, hold your head up high and don’t let anything bring you down, you are a warrior who never gives up, everything will work out, so many more brighter and better days are ahead for you, you can do this, always believe in yourself and keep going forward with confidence, there is always hope, stay strong, you are never alone, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)